Hello there beautiful soul, I’m Liz

I am a licensed therapist, purpose coach, and business mentor for the ambitious woman ready to take back her life.

And I’m here to help you uncover your life force & thrive in your purpose.

Before we dive in, you should know:

  • I LIVE for Adventure & Travel.

  • I thrive in Family & Community.

  • At my core I’m Wild & Free.

  • Jim & Warren are my main squeeze

I did all the things a young woman in her twenties “should” do. I went to college, and continued onto my masters. I even got the job with the 401k and benefits. However, I remember sitting in my office of my “dream job” thinking…. “Is this it?... Really….” I felt empty, unsatisfied, unfulfilled. I did all the things everyone else told me to do and somehow I didn’t actually feel excited or connected to any of it. This moment was life chattering. I never once thought about what I felt “connected” to doing and this sudden light bulb moment left me feeling completely and utterly lost. I was young, with the killer degree and an empty heart. That feeling sucked.

It’s the point when I realized there was more for me than living a life of “shoulds”.

 I spent the next 2 years searching and exploring who I was, what I felt connected to and what magic I actually had within me. With the help of life coaches, therapists, travel, my significant other and many wine nights with my girlfriends I finally realized what my life force was and what magical gifts I had. I realized my greatest passion and my innermost self wanted to serve and help people find their light. It gave me goosebumps thinking how much joy that brought me. I felt alive when talking about it. I felt connected to myself for the first time ever.

Friend, in the same way my coaches supported me on this journey I’m here to be your guide, so you can shine in all your magic and thrive in your purpose.

I truly and deeply believe this world needs your magic.


If you are feeling numb, burned out, tired, unfulfilled or lost as to what the hell to do with your life. I got you girl…Like Ryan Gosling.

I get it. You are juggling it all and firmly believe there is more to your life than your current day to day. Now is the time to unearth your life force and thrive in your purpose, because sister you have a life force waiting to be discovered. As your coach, I am here to support you on the journey to find your essence and fire. To build your self worth, own your magic, and walk away from crap that isn’t serving you.

It’s your time to step into the life you’ve always desired.

If you’re ready to be heard, loved on, and pumped up as well as step into your most magical life you could possibly imagine then lets chat.

You + me for 30 minutes over virtual tea/coffee or wine depending on the hour. Let's make magic together sweet girl. You deserve it and I am ready to watch you light up the sky with your gifts! 

Big Love,


Book Your Free Discovery Call

Unsure of next steps? Have questions about coaching and what it is all about? Let’s get on a call and chat about all the things! Complete the form below to book in your Free Discovery Call.


Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, CA #123155 SC #8011

Completion of Beautiful You Coaching Academy 2020

Masters in Counseling Psychology, National University 2016

BA in Psychology, Sonoma State University 2014

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.